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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bye-Bye Birdies!

Our little birdies have left their nest! I went out on Monday and found a little birdie on the ground in front of the mailbox. He couldn't quite make it back to his nest. I grabbed the weekly ad from the local grocery store and scooped him up to return him to his nest. I knew I should have grabbed my camera and taken a picture, but I figured I would get one the next day. Come to find out, by the next day the nest was empty! I guess our little birds have grown up enough to leave home... how proud momma must be. Here is the first and last pictures I got of our bird family (I know it is a little difficult to see, but it was the best I could do... they retreated to their nest and huddled together every time I approached the mailbox). You can double click on each picture to enlarge them and see better!

1 comment:

Buckawitz Coach said...

Empty nest, like the Buckawitz House. They look like Andrew!